Benefits of Turmeric in Skincare Routine

Benefits of Turmeric in Skincare Routine

Turmeric is considered a universal healer having properties that can strengthen many areas of the body, from respiration to digestion. One of the most prominent steps in a daily skincare routine as it helps in retaining and locking the required moisture in the skin. With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric skin care is the way to go if you choose to get head-to-toe radiance.

bipha ayurveda turmeric creams

Ayurveda is much more than the popular massages it has come to be associated with. It is a traditional system of Indian medicine that aims to preserve your health and wellness by keeping your mind, body, and spirit in balance. Ayurvedic treatment and medicines use precious and powerful herbs with the help of trusted ayurvedic formulations to create medicines for various health problems. It is rather focused on the causes than the symptoms of various diseases to give long-term relief to the illness. 

What are the key Advantages of Turmeric? 

  • It has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties.
  • Helps To reduce Acne breakouts and reduces the scarring
  • Supports Skin Health
  • Brightens Under Eyes
  • Delays the Signs of Aging
  • Helps treat psoriasis, eczema, scabies, boils, wounds, bruises and insect bites
  • Improves the skin glow and protect from various skin ailments 

Turmeric gets its health benefits mainly because of curcumin, a bioactive component. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Modern scientific research is just beginning to study the advantages of turmeric, but many believe it has several beneficial uses for the skin. Here are some ways turmeric may benefit your skin. Turmeric contains antioxidants and essential vitamin components. These characteristics may provide glow and luster to the skin. Turmeric may also revive your skin by bringing out its natural glow. It may lessen scarring and reduce acne to a greater extent. When applied to the skin, turmeric can temporarily stain the skin or leave a yellow residue. This is normal. But if you’re allergic, direct skin contact can cause irritation, redness, and swelling. The main ingredients for healthy skin are Almond Oil, Bergamot Oil (Citrus Bergamia), Jojoba Oil, Patchouli Oil, Petitgrain Oil (Citrus Aurantium Oil), Turmeric Oil, Vetiver Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil. Turmeric facial cream, turmeric night cream with these organic substances helps nourish the skin from inside out.

Ujjwala Alleppy Turmeric Butter from Bipha Ayurveda contains all the above ingredients and natural substance which are added in the right proportions with the help of experts using trusted ayurvedic formulations. While using skin moisturizer from Bipha, protects the skin from harmful bacteria and viruses to make it clean and tidy. Regular use helps to maintain a healthy glowing skin free from various skin ailments. Ayurveda shows us how to correct our lifestyles to lead a healthy lifestyle. The different treatises on this ancient science of holistic healing teach us that food is healthy. Including a few Ayurvedic herbs in our diet will help us get rid of the ailments that bother us frequently. Having an Ayurvedic herbs list handy will help us take care of ourselves without using too many health spoiling medications.

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